中大、自働化の応用を無限なる可能性を実現する! 詳細 +
企業案内2009 ~ 2011 2012 ~ 2017 2018 ~ 現在
2009 The company won the title of "National High-tech Enterprise".
2009 The company won the title of "Ningbo Enterprise Engineering (Technology) Center".
2009 The company won the title of "Ningbo City Pioneering Development Demonstration Enterprise".
2009 The company won the first and second prizes of scientific and technological progress in China's gear industry.
2010 The company was selected as "Ningbo Patent Demonstration Enterprise".
2010 The company was selected as "Ningbo Innovation Pilot Enterprise".
2010 The company was selected as "Ningbo Safe Production Standardization Enterprise".
2011 The company was selected as "Ningbo Famous Brand".
2011 The company was selected as "Ningbo Famous Brand Product".
2011 The company was selected as "Ningbo Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise".
2011 The company was selected as "Zhejiang Province Clean Production Stage Achievement Enterprise".
2012 The company was selected as "Ningbo City Technology Standard Independent Innovation Demonstration Enterprise".
2012 The company won the second prize of Ningbo Science and Technology.
2012 The company was selected as the "Ningbo Model Enterprise for Learning Enterprises".
2013 The company was selected as "Zhejiang Famous Brand Product".
2013 The company was selected as "Zhejiang Provincial Enterprise Technology Center".
2013 The company was selected as "Zhejiang Provincial Work Safety Standardization Enterprise".
2013 The company won the third prize of the Second China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Ningbo Division).
2013 The company was selected as the "standard enterprise in the small motor industry's" quality industry "activity".
2016 The company's cycloidal pinwheel RV reducer was shortlisted as "Made in China"
2017 The company was selected as "Zhejiang Provincial" Contract-honoring and Credible Enterprise "
2017 The company was awarded the "Mayor Quality Award" in Cixi City.
2018 The company was rated as "High-tech Enterprise".
2018.12 "The optimization of the performance of the serialized high-precision RV reducer products of robots" was selected as a major project of Ningbo Science and Technology Innovation 2025.
2019.9 The company was rated as "Zhejiang Provincial Contract-keeping and Credit-keeping Enterprise".
2021.11 Selected as a four-star green factory in Ningbo City
2021.12 Awarded the title of Zhejiang Provincial Green and Low Carbon Factory
2022 Selected as the list of "leading players in per mu efficiency by field and industry in Zhejiang Province" in 2021
2022.12 Zhongda Leader won the National Manufacturing Individual Champion Enterprise!
2023.05 Zhongda Leader was selected as one of the ‘Top 20 Enterprises of Strength’ in Cixi City in 2022!
2023 Zhongda Leader R&D Centre of Drive Division was awarded ‘Worker Pioneer of Zhejiang Province’ in 2023!
2024.05 Zhongda Leader won the ‘Golden Power Award - Industrial Vehicle (Forklift) Excellent Supply Chain Award’!
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